This is a small game developed for the FIICODE 2019 Contest on the theme of global warming. The game requires you to take care of the population of the newly colonized planet of Gamma, while still keeping the industrialization going.
هذه لعبة صغيرة تم تطويرها لمسابقة FIICODE 2019 حول موضوع الاحتباس الحراري. تتطلب اللعبة منك الاهتمام بسكان كوكب جاما المستعمر حديثًا ، مع الاستمرار في استمرار التصنيع.
This is a small game developed for the FIICODE 2019 Contest on the theme of global warming. The game requires you to take care of the population of the newly colonized planet of Gamma, while still keeping the industrialization going.